Looking beyond active failures for a comprehensive approach to problem solving
How do we minimize human error?
Error is a natural product of the operational systems we design and operate. Our comprehensive approach to problem solving shifts the focus away from blaming individuals and examines the organizational environment in order to recognize, minimize and disrupt error and its pathway to failure.
The integration of Human Factors Analysis into the Apollo Root Cause Analysis methodology allows a deeper understanding of human influences and causality in problem solving.
When systemic or organizational weaknesses are uncovered, we are able to recognize and correct sources of error before a major accident or failure.
Leveraging the knowledge that emerges from a Human Factors program allows organizations to adapt and take measures to mitigate human error in the future.
Human Factors Analysis Fits Into the
Apollo Root Cause Analysis Methodology
The Apollo Root Cause Analysis methodology seeks to produce an evidence based understanding of problems to ensure solutions address proven causes and
prevents recurrence. It simplifies problem solving and equips individuals with the skills to solve real world problems faster, more efficiently and effectively at any time.
HFACS builds upon this methodology looking beyond active failures to expose the hidden, subtle, latent precursors to human failures.
These human causes are then systematically classified to enable the user to build effective solutions focused to acheive the best results and to effectively trend performance over time.
A Comprehensive Solution for Solving Problems
Our cross-functional strategy delivers results
Public Training Courses - Human Factors and Root Cause Analysis (RCA304)
HFACS Software Plug-In Integrates with RealityCharting®
Human Factors Program Development and Implementation Services
On-site Facilitated Investigation Workshops
Support for Investigators with On-site Proficiency Check and Mentoring
ARMS Reliability and the Vetergy Group have teamed up to provide our clients with a depth of knowledge and unparalleled level of
service that comes from 60 years of combined experience in accident investigation and human factors analysis.
The Human Factors classification system integrates with the RealityCharting® software tool. You can choose human factors from a configurable taxonomy to tag causes within a RealityChart.
Inviting Human Error into The Workplace:
The Mindset Shift to Attaining Reliable Human Performance
Find out how we can help your organization implement a Human Factors program.