How many accidents has your company recorded in the past year?
Does that number include the number of incidents? Or aren’t they reported?
A company can’t afford to shrug such questions off. It is imperative to conduct workplace accident
investigations and incident investigations in every instance, in order to prevent recurrence.
“Shell E&P has adopted the Apollo RCA methodology world-wide as our core RCA methodology…
The methodology is scalable. It can be used for any size and complexity of problem/failure
investigation… The Apollo RCA methodology works and will lead you to problem resolution.”
Engineering Advisor - Shell E&P
The Apollo Root Cause Analysis™ method is a new way of thinking that goes far beyond the
traditional root cause analysis problem solving processes.
It facilitates the creation of a common reality, using input from all stakeholders to produce an evidence-based
understanding of the problem and ensures your solutions address proven causes and prevents recurrence.
The Apollo Root Cause Analysis™ method is a 4-stage process
which facilitates a thorough incident investigation.
It makes problem solving easy and gives those who have been
trained the skills to solve real world problems faster,
more efficiently and effectively at any time
“Problem solving is one of the most critical factors in improving customer satisfaction for our
organization. This training session was an incredible opportunity for my team to explore a proven
methodology to help us all to think and look at problems in a new way. I'm looking forward to my
team and myself using this methodology to improve our application availability”
Director of Information Systems - Prudential Insurance
Our 2 Day Root Cause Analysis Facilitators Course is offered conveniently in major cities and centers worldwide throughout the year. These public training seminars allow companies to send small to medium sized groups of people in a cost effective manner to be trained in Root Cause Analysis
For larger groups, or for those wishing to complete an investigation on a company specific problem, we offer a variety of onsite training courses which can be tailored.
Ideal for anyone who’s job involves problem solving, defect elimination, quality control or incident investigation from any industry.
"I learnt a lot about problem solving. I thought I knew how to problem solve but after experiencing a
strategic process to follow makes a night and day difference to how I now look at problems. Also
makes me more confident to take on the challenge of investigating any event; hopefully a simple
one first though! Specifics and simplicity are my key take aways."
Graduate Reliability Engineer - BHP Billiton